Bruce Lee GLORY 50 - Tribute to Bruce Lee: Exhibition of Shannon Ma's Art

Limited Edition Souvenirs

Bruce Lee Club

Bruce Lee Club was founded in July 2000, formerly known as "Hong Kong Bruce Lee Club" (founded on May 14, 1995). It was reorganized by its founding president, Mr. Huang Yaoqiang, with the purpose to continue to base in Bruce Lee's hometown——Hong Kong and provide Bruce Lee lovers all around the world to have a chance and space to communicate with each other, so as to unite the strength of everyone and strive to promote Bruce Lee's film art, WuShu, philosophical thoughts, so that the young new generation can learn this immortal spirit from Bruce Lee's legendary life!



Abode x Bruce Lee Club Warrior Figurine - Bruce Lee Club

Abode x Bruce Lee Club格鬥玩具模型為限量收藏品,以傳奇武術家李小龍為藍本,將他標致性的電視角色和拳道精神呈現出來,注重細節的設計,是不少收藏家的必收公仔之一。

尺寸 : 15cm高

Robert Lee Jun Fai

Speech by Honorary Chairman

" It has been more than 30 years since Bruce Lee left us. Although he has been with us for a short time, his legend will last forever. As Bruce Lee's younger brother, my mission with the Lee family is to preserve Bruce Lee's legacy in a responsible way, that is, to share our knowledge and closest memories of him with Bruce Lee fans all over the world. We, the Lee family, pay homage to the Hong Kong Bruce Lee Club for wholeheartedly carrying forward the spirit of Bruce Lee and for its lasting glory. I am particularly honored to be the honorary chairman of this prestigious group.
Since Bruce Lee's death, many Bruce Lee Clubs or fan clubs have been set up in every corner of the world. Although they are all playing an active role, the Lee family is most honored to be the first to launch the Hong Kong Bruce Lee Club."

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【Bruce Lee's Way of Life】Believe in yourself, that is when you are complete
Dragon's Way of Life


試著讓內在的光芒引領你走出黑暗──無論發生什麼事,都請記得:你就是你,獨一無二。 做一個真實的人,而不是給自己塑造各種假象。在自我不斷變化的過程中,誠實地面對自己至關重要 — 不要浪費精力去塑造虛擬的假象,因為那並不是真正的你。 我們應該專注於眼前的事情,雖然過程可能會很曲折,但透過成長和探...

【Bruce Lee's Way of Life】 Turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones
Dragon's Way of Life


當面臨困難的時候,我們該如何保持泰然自若? 李小龍曾因脊椎受傷,休養了一年多的時間,原本安排好的計畫也被迫停止。儘管如此,他也沒有因此而焦慮,反而利用這段時間構思了一系列電視劇的點子。甚至還不忘寫信鼓勵朋友,要將眼前的困難障礙轉化為前進的動力。 記住,人之所以會被煩惱所困擾,往往是因為缺...

【Bruce Lee's Way of Life】 Unveiling Kung Fu's Essence
Dragon's Way of Life


功夫之特殊,在於其簡單而樸實。 李小龍認為,真功夫不是追求花俏招式或炫耀自己有多厲害,而是用最少的動作和力氣就能打贏。 他以練習格鬥為例,如果只是學習華而不實的招式,那麼在真正搏擊時就會反應不及。真正的功夫是強調自然和直覺的反應,當面對攻擊時,像迴音一樣迅速反應,自然地避開攻擊,不需多作思...
