‘’Extraordinary Bruce Lee Exhibition‘’
日期 : 2024年7月20-28日
開放時間: 12:00 - 19:00
地點:Upper Deck Tai Nan - 1/F, No.173 Tai Nan Street, Kowloon.H.K.
大南天梯 - 香港九龍大南街173號1樓
在2018年,我們舉辦了《李小龍 - 動·漫·遊》展覽會,聚焦在漫畫界,動畫界,遊戲界對李小龍形象的重構和創作,半個世纪以来,不同的民族,不同世代,以不同的藝術形式,再現他們對李小龍的緬懷與推崇。
今次展覽,可說是上次理念的延伸,我們與Toy Station合作,邀請了本地、台灣及日本的創作人,以各人獨特的視覺和風格,進行創作,當中有插畫、玩具及雕塑,藝術形式可謂如截拳道那樣,既包羅萬象,又不被萬象所包羅。
Date: July 20 - 28, 2024
Opening Hours: 12:00 - 19:00
Venue: Upper Deck Tai Nan - 1/F, No.173 Tai Nan Street, Kowloon, H.K.
Free Admission
July 20th of this year is the 51st anniversary of Legendary Bruce Lee's passing. We Bruce Lee Club is going to have an exhibition at Upper Deck Tai Nan to celebrate the memorial day from 20th to 28th of July, inviting eminent artists in Hong Kong and from overseas to show our respect to Bruce.
In 2018, we had <The legendary Bruce Lee in A.C.G.> exhibition that aggregated and composed Bruce Lee's images appeared in Manga/Animation/Game through this half century. It proves Bruce is loved by races and generations in variety, and those people are showing their worship and reminisce against him.
Our concept of the exhibition this year is inheriting that movement, and invite art pieces from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan under collaboration with Toy Station. There are illustrations, toys and statues which represent each artists' unique views and styles. And it embodies Jeet Kune Do's concept; it includes everything but not included by anything.
Bruce Lee is a legend. His image and sprit has never been solidified by time's passage, but the image of THE DRAGON has been more and more active and getting brightness all through these years. Both of old and new generations are transmitting the familiarity of THE DRAGON and it never stops.
Please come and experience the newest perspective of Bruce Lee in The Next Culture at our exhibition.
Bruce Lee Club 李小龍會
Toy station